Overdraft Symposia Series: Washington, D.C.
October 16, 2013
Wednesday 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. ET
University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Students at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa gathered in the campus Ferguson Center for the Generational Equity Tour, hosted by The Can Kicks Back and the Travelers Institute. Student leaders from the Roosevelt Institute Campus Network, Student Government Association, College Democrats and College Republicans co-sponsored the event, bringing their members to watch the nonpartisan debt documentary, “Overdraft.” Frankie Dakin and Tyler Gibson from The Can Kicks Back welcomed students and discussed their road trip across the country, traveling by van to a new campus each day and speaking to peers about what the debt means for them. Travelers Institute Executive Director Jessica Legnos discussed Travelers’ role as presenting sponsor of “Overdraft” and organizer of the "Overdraft" University Symposia Series, which provides opportunities for students to get involved in the national dialogue on the debt.
Welcoming remarks
- Frankie Dakin, Field Organizer, The Can Kicks Back
- Tyler Gibson, Field Organizer, The Can Kicks Back
- Jessica Legnos, Executive Director, Travelers Institute, The Travelers Companies, Inc.