National Debt Initiative

Painting of U.S. Capitol building dome

Examining facts about the national debt crisis

Joining the public policy discussion around the U.S. national debt, the Travelers Institute is raising awareness about the facts of the national debt and the implications for American opportunity.

As part of our America’s debt crisis initiative, we’ve collaborated with public television to present “Overdraft,” an award-winning nonpartisan documentary that highlights the growing national debt and its impact on individuals and U.S. economic competitiveness.

Featured publication

“Overdraft” University Symposium Series

As presenting sponsor of the nonpartisan debt documentary “Overdraft,” the Travelers Institute hosted an educational symposium series featuring screenings of the award-winning film for groups across the country.

Awards and recognition for “Overdraft”

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Cover of Overdraft report

Featured video

"Overdraft" documentary trailer

“Overdraft” – a public television documentary sponsored by the Travelers Institute that presents a compelling explanation of Americaʼs federal debt crisis, how it impacts Americans’ lives and the choices to address the problem.

Watch the full documentary on YouTube

More past events

Highlights from the film

Overdraft "100 Words" - The American Opportunity

Overdraft "100 Words" – Healthcare

Overdraft "100 Words" – Debt Denial

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