Awards & Recognition for "Overdraft"

Praised by audiences and critics for its educational content and creative production, "Overdraft" continues to receive recognition from leading awards organizations. To date, the nonpartisan documentary on the federal deficit has earned 11 distinct honors.


2013 Telly Award Silver Winner - Information
2013 Telly Award Silver Winner - Use of Animation

content_parag_inset_trav-inst_award_1.jpg2013 Telly Award Bronze Winner - Education
2013 Telly Award Bronze Winner - Miscellaneous
2013 Telly Award Bronze Winner - Political Commentary
2013 Telly Award Bronze Winner - Use of Music
2013 Telly Award Bronze Winner - Art Direction
2013 Telly Award Bronze Winner - Editing
2013 Telly Award Bronze Winner - Sound/Sound Design

Fall 2012 CINE Golden Eagle Award

Prestige Film Award's 2012 Gold Award for Documentary Short