"Overdraft" Symposia Series at the University of Denver
October 2, 2013
Wednesday 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. ET
University of Denver’s Institute for Public Policy Studies
Denver, Colorado
On October 2, 2013, University of Denver students and faculty participated in The Can Kicks Back Generational Equity Tour, attending an educational screening of the nonpartisan documentary, “Overdraft,” followed by a panel discussion on the national debt. The discussion, which featured Brookings Institution Senior Fellow Isabel Sawhill, Concord Coalition Executive Director Robert L. Bixby and Travelers Institute President Joan Woodward, reviewed causes of the national debt and potential solutions. More than 100 students gathered in the Anderson Academic Commons for the forum, co-sponsored by the Travelers Institute, the University’s College Democrats and College Republicans, as well as the Concord Coalition.
Welcoming remarks
- Richard A. Caldwell, Co-Director, Institute for Public Policy Studies; Director, Graduate and Undergraduate Programs in Public Policy, University of Denver
- Moderator – Vincent Carroll, Editorial Page Editor, Denver Post
- Robert L. Bixby, Executive Director, The Concord Coalition
- Isabel V. Sawhill, Co-Director, Center on Children and Families, Budgeting for National Priorities; Senior Fellow, Economic Studies; The Cabot Family Chair; The Brookings Institution
- Joan Woodward, President, Travelers Institute; Executive Vice President, Public Policy; The Travelers Companies, Inc.
Closing remarks
- Nick Troiano, Co‐Founder & Communications Director, The Can Kicks Back