"Overdraft" Symposia Series: Pace University

February 4, 2014

Tuesday 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. ET

Pace University’s “Up to Us” Student Competition
New York, New York

The Travelers Institute’s "Overdraft" University Symposia Series returned for a second time to Pace University on February 4, 2014 in partnership with the student-led “Up to Us” campus campaign. “Up to Us” is a nationwide student competition sponsored by the Clinton Global Initiative, Net Impact and the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, that empowers students to educate their peers on the long-term national debt, how it could affect economic opportunities and how the millennial generation can raise awareness about it. The Pace student team, one of 22 groups selected from across the country, ran a five-week campaign featuring lectures, discussions and social events tied to civic engagement on the issue. The Pace team competed with students from George Washington University, the University of Michigan, the University of Texas at Austin and many others for a $10,000 cash prize and the chance to be recognized by Pres. Bill Clinton.

Students gathered after classes in Pace’s Student Center for an evening screening of the nonpartisan documentary, “Overdraft.” After the film, Pace Student Leader Tobias Laforest moderated a discussion with “Overdraft” film director Scott Galloway and Jessica Legnos, who coordinated the Travelers Institute Overdraft University Symposia Series.


  • Moderator – Tobias Laforest, President, Economics Society; Team Leader, “Up to Us” Campaign, Pace University
  • Scott Galloway, “Overdraft” Director; Founder, Susie Films
  • Jessica Legnos, Executive Director, Travelers Institute, The Travelers Companies, Inc.