"Overdraft" Symposia Series: Kennesaw State University

October 15, 2013

Tuesday 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. ET

Kennesaw State University’s Department of Political Science and International Affairs
Kennesaw, Georgia

On October 15, 2013, The Can Kicks Back Generational Equity Tour visited Kennesaw State University to engage students on the national debt. The event, co-sponsored by the Travelers Institute, the Concord Coalition and the University’s Department of Political Science and International Affairs, convened more than 250 students in the Social Sciences Auditorium for a screening of the nonpartisan debt documentary, “Overdraft,” and an interactive budgeting exercise facilitated by the Concord Coalition.

Welcoming remarks

  • Frankie Dakin, Field Organizer, The Can Kicks Back
  • Tyler Gibson, Field Organizer, The Can Kicks Back
  • Jessica Legnos, Executive Director, Travelers Institute, The Travelers Companies, Inc.